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Teacher Resources


District adopted Curriculum and additional resources


click here for a Cheat sheet of district Online apps and platforms


  • The county office can provide assistance on distance learning in specific content areas, click the link for a list of scheduled PD, resources for school counselors, digital citizenship, and social-emotional learning.

  • Find information about distance learning, wellness, helping your child structure their day, and digital citizenship


Getting Started guides include:
  • Introduction and overview. How It Works/Student and teacher views. Set-Up Checklist/Step-by-step guide for getting set up. Seesaw Student Challenge/Lessons for getting started with your students. Ideas for Your Classroom/Learn about the Activity Library. Explore additional resources. Printables/resources to support your students. 
  • Learn how to send announcements and private messages in Seesaw. Teachers can send announcements to families and students. In the Inbox tab, teachers can also send private messages to family members. Because all communication is in one place, teachers and families
  • Google Slide deck created by LOSD.
  • Setting up and using folders to keep student work organized. 

Google Classroom is designed to help teachers and students communicate and collaborate, manage assignments paperlessly, and stay organized.

  • Direct Instruction through Eureka Math (can watch videos and adapt for your class
  • Eureka provides a series of free Parent Tip Sheets at the topic level that includes suggested strategies and models, key vocabulary, and tips for how you can support learning at home. Available in English and Spanish for grades K-8.
  • Individualized instruction assigned reviewed by the teacher.
  • Eureka math curriculum. Hands-on instruction. Immersive digital learning. All in one place.
  • Direct instruction, mini-lesson - zoom or video
  • Small reading group, zoom lesson
  • Online reading resources, can be assigned by reading level
  • Reading can be done live, video or using an online resource
  • Direct instruction or video using hard copy and online resources


Elem. District licenses

Lucy Calkins Units of Study

  • Direct instruction, mini-lesson - zoom or video
  • Small reading group, zoom lesson


Elem. District licenses

  • Direct instruction, mini-lesson - zoom or video
  • Small reading group, zoom lesson
  • Individualized instruction assigned reviewed by teacher.




  • Direct instruction: scroll down for links to lessons and videos
  • Mrs. Fohs Google Classroom
  • Resources to integrate SEL into every classroom every day
  • 4 Weeks of SEL Lessons and Activities for Distance Learning
  • Resources for teachers

Art/ Music/ PE


  • Standards-based
  • Video lessons created by enrichment teachers and posted on the Live Oak Enrichment Site.
  • Google Classrooms with resources, videos, and links

Elem. District licenses

  • Restricted use LOSD teachers only.
  • Each grade's subscription contains 25-30 standards-based, web videos that feature at-home accommodations, useful graphics, and dynamic presenters.
  • You can assign... Daily 10-minute Warm Up video, Bi-weekly, 

    Guided Strength & Endurance lesson. Weekly, Manipulative Skills sports lesson followed by a "challenge" video.



  • Assessment Windows
  • AR Star assessment 
  • Skills assessment
  • Grade level assessments lists and dates
  • Staff/collab/PD meetings
  • assessment assigned and conducted remotely
  • Skills assessments conducted 1:1




  • Grade level assessments lists and dates
  • Staff/collab/PD meetings
  •  A computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children's independent reading practice. Your child picks a book at his/her own level and reads it at his/her own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer.
  • This “STAR” test is generally given once a quarter and is designed to identify a student's range of independent reading. Student reads a book in their reading level chosen from a list of over 110,000 books with AR quizzes available.
  • Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) focus on smaller sets of targets and therefore provide more detailed information for instructional purposes.

 Common Sense Education

• Wide Open School

• Connect Safely


• Tips and tools to support school closures & transitions to online and at-home learning.

• Virtual Classroom set up & teacher resources

• Safety & Security tips for parents for online safety



• Grammar Gallery

• California English Learner Roadmap

• California Practitioner's Guide for Education English Learners with Disabilities

• a grammar program aligned to the common core state standards designed especially for English Language Learners (Emerging bilinguals) in grades K-12.

• The Toolkit is designed to help teachers understand and make-meaning of the EL Roadmap policy in classroom terms.

• The California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities is a guide to identifying, assessing, supporting, and reclassifying English learners with disabilities as required by AB 2785