Welcome to the Live Oak School District! We are excited to welcome you to our schools and help you register your child. The information on this page explains the process for registering all new incoming Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten students and any student in grades 1-8 who will be new to LOSD for 2023-2024. Enrollment for 2024-2025 is now open for all grades.
New Student Enrollment Link My School Locator
STEP ONE - Verify Grade Level Eligibility
For the 2024-2025 school year, students are eligible to enter the following grade levels based on their age:
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) - children who have a date of birth between 09/02/2019 - 06/02/2020.
Kindergarten- children who have a date of birth between 09/02/2018 - 09/01/2019.
TK students currently enrolled in LOSD do not need to register for Kindergarten as they are already enrolled in our District and will be automatically enrolled in Kindergarten.
Grades 1-8: Will be placed in the grade following the last one they attended, or according to their age if it is their first time attending public school in the United States.
STEP TWO - Verify Residency
Please see the LOSD MySchool Locator to determine your school of residency.
Any student wishing to attend LOSD who is located outside of our residency area will need to visit our district office to discuss the possibility of an interdistrict transfer.
For additional details and clarification regarding Inter- versus Intra- District Transfers, please review the following resources:
Intra- VS Inter- District Transfers - English
Transferencia Entre Distrito VS Transferencia Dentro Del Distrito - Español
STEP THREE - Gather Required Registration Documents
Age Verification – the following documents will be accepted:
• Certified copy of birth record
• Statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth
• Baptism certificate
• Passport
• When none of the foregoing is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian, or
custodian, or any other appropriate means of proving the child’s age. -
Current Immunization Record
Address Verification – two of the following documents will be accepted:
• Property tax payment receipts
• Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts
• Utility service contract, statements, or payment receipts
• Pay stubs
• Voter registration
• Correspondence from a government agency
• Declaration of residency executed by the parent or legal guardian of the student. -
Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit - required only if you are not the student's legal guardian and the student is living in your home
STEP FOUR - Complete ParentSquare Online Enrollment
If you are a current Live Oak School District family or have ever had a student attend a Live Oak School District school and are registering a new student, login to ParentSquare to register. You may either register via the mobile app by scanning the QR code on the left of the page, or use your computer to register by using the "Register" section on the far right.
Current or Previous Parents to the District? Click here to login to ParentSquare
Forgot your password? Click "forgot password" button below sign in to reset your password.
Families who have never had a student attend a Live Oak School District school are highly encouraged to create a ParentSquare account to register students online. You will need a valid email address in order to create a ParentSquare account.
New Parent to the District? Click here to create a new ParentSquare account
STEP FIVE - New Student Confirmation
Once you have completed the required online registration you can deliver the above documents to your school site or our district office. This will be the final step to ensure your child is registered! If you have questions about registration you can contact your school office, or our district office at (831) 475-6333.
2024-2025 Enrollment Packet - English
2024-2025 Paquete de inscripción - Español
Interdistrict Transfers - English
Transferencia Entre Distritos - Español
Intradistrict Transfers - English
Transferencia Dentro Del Distrito - Español
Interdistrict Permit Request Guidelines
Intra- VS Inter- District Transfers Guide - English
Transferencia Entre Distrito VS Transferencia Dentro Del Distrito, Guía- Español
For Interdistrict Transfers, please contact the Education Services Department at idt@losd.ca
Para transferencias entre distritos, comuníquese con el Departamento de Servicios Educativos en idt@losd.ca.