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Bonds and Parcel Tax


First page of the PDF file: COCAdvertisementNotice-LiveOakSD
First page of the PDF file: COCInformationandApplication-LiveOakSD


Parcel Tax

In November of 2008, the voters in Live Oak approved the Live Oak School District Quality Education Measure A by over 76%. The purpose of this measure was to ensure reliable funding to improve education by keeping school libraries open, protecting enrichment programs such as music and art, maintaining science programs and attracting and retaining qualified teachers. It was also intended to help maintain and expand reading and math tutoring programs, maintain small class sizes, provide after school programs and purchase textbooks and educational materials for reading, language and arts. The parcel tax was renewed in 2016 for 12 years with a resounding 80% "YES" vote.

Live Oak School District would like to thank our supportive community for the revenue this measure brings into our schools. The District, along with the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee and the Live Oak Board of Trustees, continues to work diligently to provide as much support as possible to the programs listed above.

The Parcel Tax currently provides about $500,000 in revenue per year. With these funds, the District pays for all of the library aides, life lab aides, music teachers, art teachers, after-school support programs and after school sports at Shoreline Middle School.

In addition, these funds are shared with our home school program, Ocean Alternative, and charter school, Tierra Pacifica.

If you have any questions in regards to the Parcel Tax, please feel free to send an email to your school’s Parcel Tax Oversight Committee member. If you are interested in sitting on the committee, please contact your school's principal.

Parcel Tax

Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (PTOC) - Measure R 2016

08.17.2023 Agenda and meeting notes

2023-2024 PTOC Budget approved by the Board of Trustees on September 6, 2023